Pocket Photobook II: Nurul Baizura
Fitriah Irda Ratna and Irdina Safiyyah 's photobooks.Sy berasa gembira dapat merealisasikan impian Puan Nurul utk mengumpulkan gambar2 anak-anaknya dlm photobook masing2.Sorry for some teeny weeny hiccup during the way of processing these photobooks.Glad U like my arrangements :).
Fitriah's photobook is in blue cover, while Safiyyah's is in pink.
Deskripsi produk: saiz 8.5 x 6 inci soft cover
ada protective sleeves box
matte linen texture lamination of pages

Fitriah's photobook is in blue cover, while Safiyyah's is in pink.
Deskripsi produk: saiz 8.5 x 6 inci soft cover
ada protective sleeves box
matte linen texture lamination of pages

1 ulasan:
wow!!good n nice job!!!
x sabarnya nak dapat photobook nih!!!!..
ni kira hadiah besday diorang pun boleh gak ni..heheheee
thanks mai..
cant wait 2 see the real one!
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